Poster Session 1, Monday, October 3, 15:40–18:00
Poster 1
Current status of GOCI-II atmospheric correction algorithm and its validation
We introduce the current status of the GOCI-II atmospheric correction algorithm and its validation. Atmospheric correction is a fundamental process in ocean color remote sensing that derives the remote-sensing reflectance at the sea surface from the top-of-atmosphere level. The GOCI-II atmospheric correction method is developed theoretically based on the previous GOCI atmospheric correction, then partially improved accuracy for turbid waters with the GOCI-II’s two additional 620 and 709 nm bands. The GOCI-II’s vicarious gains are adjusted to enhance atmospheric correction accuracy using remote-sensing reflectances obtained by the VIIRS. Finally, the GOCI-II atmospheric correction algorithm is validated with in-situ remote-sensing reflectances acquired from several cruise campaigns and the two AERONET-OC sites.
Jae-Hyun Ahn, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected], 0000-0002-2240-4562
Kyeong-Sang Lee, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected]
Eun-Kyung Lee, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected]
Su-Jung Bae, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected]
Jeong-Eon Moon, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected]
Tai-Hyun Han, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, [email protected]
Contact Jenny Ramarui,
Conference Coordinator,
at [email protected]
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